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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Edit PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents directly in your drawing by using the Markup Assist feature. (video: 3:03 min.)In DraftSight, we have added the “Clear All Grid” context menu action, which opens the AutoCAD grid configuration dialog so you can set up custom grid sizes, display edge styles, view and edit grid references, and more. (video: 3:24 min.)Markup Assist:Import feedback from printed paper or PDFs and add changes to your drawings automatically, without additional drawing steps.Markup Assist makes it easy to synchronize and incorporate user feedback.Save time with an easy way to incorporate user feedback from paper and PDFs into your drawings.Embed user feedback in your drawings as annotated views, areas, or dimensions.Insert text comments or notes to guide the reader.Send and accept hand-drawn sketches.Manage text comments for context or related information.Display digital signatures.Edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF documents directly in your drawing.Integrate Sketch into AutoCAD.Export AutoCAD to Sketch, and vice versa.Embed Sketch into AutoCAD.Send and accept hand-drawn sketches.New App-Supported Internet Features:Microsoft Edge:The Microsoft Edge browser now works more like Microsoft Word or Excel, enabling you to see and use more online content as you draw.For example, you can:Receive links to PDFs or websites within your drawings when they are opened in Microsoft Edge.Turn on or off speech to text in a web page that’s open in your drawings.Reply to comments that are made in the browser window, like in email or online chat.Enter text with your favorite online keyboard, like Google Docs, and then continue working on your drawing in AutoCAD.Control your music and videos using your drawings by typing text on the webpage that you are viewing in your drawings.Your drawings can now share content from web sites, cloud services, and other applications like PowerPoint and Google Drive.Close the browser window when you’re done viewing a webpage in your drawings.Microsoft Word and Excel:You can now place a drawing on top of or 2be273e24d

AutoCAD [Mac/Win] [2022-Latest]

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